Betsy DeVos Touts Voucher Ballot Initiative That Could Circumvent Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s Veto

Betsy DeVos Touts Voucher Ballot Initiative that Could Circumvent Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s Veto

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Former U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, a dedicated advocate for school choice, was the main speaker at a virtual event on February 2nd. The event was organized in support of a GOP-backed ballot measure that opponents argue would drain funds from public schools.

During the "Let MI Kids Learn" Facebook livestream, DeVos expressed her trust in parents and belief in students. She also criticized the lack of shared values regarding parental involvement in education in Lansing. DeVos, who previously served as the Chair of the Michigan GOP and as the U.S. Secretary of Education under former President Donald Trump, stated her belief that a child’s family is the best expert for the child, emphasizing the need to shift the power structure in education to give more control to students and families.

DeVos was part of a panel of pro-school choice parents during the virtual event, which marked the launch of the Let MI Kids Learn initiative. The ballot initiative, introduced by Republicans in November, aims to establish a school voucher-style system that utilizes public tax funds to support private education.

Opponents argue that this plan violates the Michigan Constitution. In 1970, voters passed the Blaine Amendment, which prohibits the use of public funds for private schools. Those against the initiative claim that it goes against this constitutional amendment.

The DeVos family has already contributed $350,000 to the measure, with an additional $25,000 from the DeVos-backed Great Lakes Education Project. Other major donors include Get Families Back to Work, which shares its address with the Republican Governors Association and has donated $800,000. The State Government Leadership Fund, a subsidiary of the Republican State Leadership Committee, has also given $475,000.

This initiative follows the veto of voucher-style education bills by Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer earlier in the month. The bills aimed to provide tax credits to Michiganders who contribute to a scholarship program for non-public schools.

Now that the Let MI Kids Learn ballot drive has been approved by the state Board of Canvassers, supporters, including the influential DeVos family, can mobilize support and collect signatures.

If the group successfully gathers 340,000 signatures, the GOP-controlled Legislature will have the authority to vote on enacting the petition into law, bypassing the need for a public vote in November. Whitmer’s signature is not required for this process, and the Democratic governor cannot veto the measure.

DeVos expressed her heightened enthusiasm, stating, "I’m more fired up now than ever. It’s hard to believe anyone would oppose this opportunity."

Opponents of the measure, including Democrats and AFT Michigan, a union representing 35,000 educators and healthcare providers in schools throughout the state, argue that it diverts public funding from struggling public schools to finance private education.

The Michigan Parent Alliance for Safe Schools (MiPASS) also stands against the initiative. In a statement released on Wednesday, MiPASS members criticized DeVos for "exploiting the pandemic to advance her charter school agenda."

Katie Deck, a parent in Livingston County and an organizer for MiPASS, expressed concern over the initiative’s impact, saying, "Now is not the time to divert funds from community schools and direct them to for-profit charters, which is precisely what the DeVos initiative will do."

Furthermore, Deck finds it alarming that DeVos is collaborating with groups like Moms for Liberty, known for promoting conspiracy theories and causing unrest among school boards, employees, and teachers. Deck asserts that now is the time to unite in support of children and classrooms, rather than create division.

Moms for Liberty is a conservative nonprofit organization that has been actively opposing mask and vaccine mandates across the United States, including in Michigan. In December, hundreds of members from the organization’s Livingston County chapter were removed from Facebook for allegedly sharing misinformation about COVID-19 and engaging in bullying behavior.

The group has also called for parents to withdraw their children from public schools in what they refer to as a "mass exodus."

The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation has generously contributed millions of dollars to both charter schools and Christian schools. In 2006, Dick DeVos made an unsuccessful attempt at becoming the governor as a member of the Republican Party.

DeVos expressed that students no longer have to feel trapped, as they now have the option to attend schools that align with their interests and values. He emphasized that parents no longer have to settle for schools that disregard their opinions and preferences.

Currently, the state has few COVID-19 restrictions in place. However, some schools and businesses are opting to close temporarily due to surges in COVID-19 cases.

During a virtual event on Tuesday, DeVos engaged parents on the panel by asking them about their motivations for homeschooling their children or transferring them to private schools. He encouraged his supporters to spread awareness about a petition.

In response to a parent who discussed their child’s struggle to find their place in the world, DeVos expressed empathy and reassured them that they should not blame themselves for any missed opportunities. He urged them to advocate for a wider range of educational options and expose students to them at a younger age.

Originally published by Michigan Advance on February 2, 2022, this story highlights the contributions made by the Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation. Michigan Advance is an independent news organization supported by grants and donors as a 501c(3) public charity. For any inquiries, please contact Editor Susan Demas at Stay connected with Michigan Advance through Facebook and Twitter.

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