Detailed Comparison Of The New England And Chesapeake Societies

Although the idea of going to the “New World” was attractive to many English, they started to settle their territory and expand it in the 1600’s. They founded colonies along the Eastern border of the United States. Both colonies were populated by English people. However, there were differences in the colonial structures that were important to the development of the societies. Different geography, religion, and politics are all factors that contributed to the formation of this contrast. The reasons for colonization are the key to understanding the differences.

The first and most important thing was that the developing societies made major distinctions between their geographic areas, which ultimately led to their economic structure. The economic system of the Chesapeake colonies consisted of tobacco cultivation, commercial farming, and plantation systems. New Englanders worked in farms, which sold extra produce to market, fishing and the lumber industry. There are many factors that contributed to each region’s unique growth and development. Chesapeake was known for its warm weather and rich soil. This is why they made the most out of farming. They could produce rice, indigo, and tobacco to earn a living. Contrary to popular belief, New England was a region with rocky soils and low temperatures that made farming difficult. This meant they had no choice but to go into fishing or the lumber sector. These factors accounted for the higher number of slaves in Chesapeake because of the extensive farming they required. The New England population did not depend on slavery in their expanding economy. This had an impact upon how they branched it out. Each region was unique in its geography, so people had to adapt and learn to make the most of their resources. This was crucial for creating the separation between the New Englanders and the Chesapeake. The Articles of Agreement, which were first drafted with the idea that God wanted the colony’s work to be this way, are the Articles of Agreement. In the agreement, it was stated that their first concern would be to set up a church with a minister. Religion was used by the New England region to create a strong community and provide an example for others. In Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Puritans lived. The Puritans had a religious belief system that required the people to attain God’s expectations. If they failed to do so, God would ruin their colony. John Withrop was appointed governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1630, he published A Model of Christan Charity. Withrop began his explanation by explaining that God created all people differently. He gave examples of those who had more power and wealth than those who had less. However, everybody should treat others with respect. He also emphasized the will of God for his people. God made everyone different in order to show wisdom. Governor John Withrop created responsible and moral Christian communities that would allow the colony’s district to be a place where people care about each other. However, Chesapeake built their economy more than religion. John Smith referred to the greed for riches as “the desire to be rich”. In exchange for supplies, gold and other goods were permitted to be traded by the people aboard the ship. The ship’s crew also fasted as they didn’t have the precious items. Many people died of starvation. John Smith said that the ship’s crew was greedy, selfish and violent (DocF). This document is a testament to the value of an economy that puts religion aside. The result of John Smith’s encounter on the ship, in general, is a sign that people are not respecting one another as Withrop suggested.

Both settlements ran their colonies their own political system. It was evident that each settlement had its own advancement process. New Englanders seemed to be interested in creating a religious community that had land for everyone. New England had a strong family orientation with young and small families. A family’s size would depend on their house size and how they will share the meadow. Chesapeake residents were unable to form a cohesive community and instead lack a stable government. The Chesapeake region’s settlers arrived alone, unlike the New Englanders. This meant that the individual was not responsible for their own actions, which led to them being more selfish. The Chesapeake region’s lack of support only made it harder for people to be well off and do good deeds. New Englanders used their community’s interests to keep tabs on merchant profits and uphold the Puritans moral code. The Chesapeake region was a skewed mix of the rich, the poor, as well as slaves. People were less likely to challenge the government in Chesapeake due to the class system. Nathaniel Bacon, a Virginia governor, criticized the government for adopting friendly policies towards Native Americans. Nathaniel Bacon claimed the Native Americans were out of reach for the English Court. Bacon rebelled against Berkely and forced Berkely’s appointment of him as governor. However, Berkely died shortly after his term. The effect of each region’s political system illustrated the clear divide between New Englanders as well as Chesapeake residents. In short, the New England government is more solid and aware of how they can keep their people united than the Chesapeake government. The latter led to rebellions which kept their people in conflict with each other.

All things being equal, even though New England and Chesapeake were both home to English-born people, they had both developed into very distinct societies by 1700. This is due to the differences in geography, politics, religion and geography. People in New England followed their Putrian faith to create a stable and united society. The Chesapeake people were determined to be wealthy and make more money. These motives were what led to the formation of two different societies.


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